Friday, July 30, 2004

Range Report

Brought the cougars to the range today. Last time I concentrated on being repeatable at 15 yards, so today I shot at 10 yard thinking that the improvement made at 15 would look even better at 10. It did... much tighter groups. The first target and 50 round box of 9mm was kept within an 6” circle. Most within 4 inches or so. The 6” part is orange and nothing was out of the orange. Finished up with 50 rounds of .45 on a different target and I had maybe two or three outside of the orange. The .45 made a nice ragged hole in the center, actually slightly left of center. That was all of .45 ammo so I waited for the line to go cold so I could change targets and get back to the 9mm.

I put another 50 rounds down range and kept these in about 4” groups at three targets. I’m getting better with the 9mm and for the most part concentrating on the following has been helpful:

1. Lean forward. I had a tendency to lean back, but leaning forward is the proper technique.
2. Keep the front site in focus. This is most important for accuracy. Look at the front site and let everything else go.

It also looks like that for me, practicing at longer ranges will greatly improve the short range accuracy. Maybe next time I'll try 25 yards.

I noticed another thing today. Everyone, both sides of me and for a couple of stations down on both sides, was shooting Berettas. I saw two 92's, a 96, two Tomcats, and of course my Cougars. Cool to se so many Berettas.

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Swift Boat Veterans for Truth

These are the men in the Swift Boat photograph that Kerry is using in his campaign. Only two of the men in the photo are supporting Kerry. The rest state the following:

These quotes are copied from

"I do not believe John Kerry is fit to be Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces of the United States. This is not a political issue. It is a matter of his judgment, truthfulness, reliability, loyalty and trust -- all absolute tenets of command. His biography, 'Tour of Duty,' by Douglas Brinkley, is replete with gross exaggerations, distortions of fact, contradictions and slanderous lies. His contempt for the military and authority is evident by even a most casual review of this biography. He arrived in-country with a strong anti-Vietnam War bias and a self-serving determination to build a foundation for his political future. He was aggressive, but vain and prone to impulsive judgment, often with disregard for specific tactical assignments. He was a 'loose cannon.' In an abbreviated tour of four months and 12 days, and with his specious medals secure, Lt.(jg) Kerry bugged out and began his infamous betrayal of all United States forces in the Vietnam War. That included our soldiers, our marines, our sailors, our coast guardsmen, our airmen, and our POWs. His leadership within the so-called Vietnam Veterans Against the War and testimony before Congress in 1971 charging us with unspeakable atrocities remain an undocumented but nevertheless meticulous stain on the men and women who honorably stayed the course. Senator Kerry is not fit for command."
-- Rear Admiral Roy Hoffmann, USN (retired), chairman, Swift Boat Veterans for Truth

"We resent very deeply the false war crimes charges he made coming back from Vietnam in 1971 and repeated in the book "Tour of Duty." We think those cast an aspersion on all those living and dead, from our unit and other units in Vietnam. We think that he knew he was lying when he made the charges, and we think that they're unsupportable. We intend to bring the truth about that to the American people. We believe, based on our experience with him, that he is totally unfit to be the Commander-in-Chief."
-- John O'Neill, spokesman, Swift Boat Veterans for Truth

"During Lt.(jg) Kerry's tour, he was under my command for two or three specific operations, before his rapid exit. Trust, loyalty and judgment are the key, operative words. His turncoat performance in 1971 in his grubby shirt and his medal-tossing escapade, coupled with his slanderous lines in the recent book portraying us that served, including all POWs and MIAs, as murderous war criminals, I believe, will have a lasting effect on all military veterans and their families. Kerry would be described as devious, self-absorbing, manipulative, disdain for authority, disruptive, but the most common phrase that you'd hear is 'requires constant supervision.'"
-- Captain Charles Plumly, USN (retired)

"Thirty-five years ago, many of us fell silent when we came back to the stain of sewage that Mr. Kerry had thrown on us, and all of our colleagues who served over there. I don't intend to be silent today or ever again. Our young men and women who are serving deserve no less."
-- Andrew Horne

"In my specific, personal experience in both coastal and river patrols over a 12-month period, I never once saw or heard anything remotely resembling the atrocities described by Senator Kerry. If I had, it would have been my obligation to report them in writing to a higher authority, and I would certainly have done that. If Senator Kerry actually witnessed or participated in these atrocities or, as he described them, 'war crimes,' he was obligated to report them. That he did not until later when it suited his political purposes strikes me as opportunism of the worst kind. That he would malign my service and that of his fellow sailors with no regard for the truth makes him totally unqualified to serve as Commander-in-Chief."
-- Jeffrey Wainscott

"I signed that letter because I, too felt a deep sense of betrayal that someone who took the same oath of loyalty as I did as an officer in the United States Navy would abandon his group here (points to group photo) to join this group here (points to VVAW protest photo), and come home and attempt to rally the American public against the effort that this group was so valiantly pursuing. It is a fact that in the entire Vietnam War we did not lose one major battle. We lost the war at home... and at home, John Kerry was the Field General."
-- Robert Elder

"My daughters and my wife have read portions of the book 'Tour of Duty.' They wanted to know if I took part in the atrocities described. I do not believe the things that are described happened.
Let me give you an example. In Brinkley's book, on pages 170 to 171, about something called the 'Bo De massacre' on November 24th of 1968... In Kerry's description of the engagement, first he claimed there were 17 servicemen that were wounded. Three of us were wounded. I was the first..."
-- Joseph Ponder

"While in Cam Rahn Bay, he trained on several 24-hour indoctrination missions, and one special skimmer operation with my most senior and trusted Lieutenant. The briefing from some members of that crew the morning after revealed that they had not received any enemy fire, and yet Lt.(jg) Kerry informed me of a wound -- he showed me a scratch on his arm and a piece of shrapnel in his hand that appeared to be from one of our own M-79s. It was later reported to me that Lt.(jg) Kerry had fired an M-79, and it had exploded off the adjacent shoreline. I do not recall being advised of any medical treatment, and probably said something like 'Forget it.' He later received a Purple Heart for that scratch, and I have no information as to how or whom.
Lt.(jg) Kerry was allowed to return to the good old USA after 4 months and a few days in-country, and then he proceeded to betray his former shipmates, calling them criminals who were committing atrocities. Today we are here to tell you that just the opposite is true. Our rules of engagement were quite strict, and the officers and men of Swift often did not even return fire when they were under fire if there was a possibility that innocent people -- fishermen, in a lot of cases -- might be hurt or injured. The rules and the good intentions of the men increased the possibility that we might take friendly casualties."
-- Commander Grant Hibbard, USN (retired)

"Lt. Kerry returned home from the war to make some outrageous statements and allegations... numerous criminal acts in violation of the law of war were cited by Kerry, disparaging those who had fought with honor in that conflict. Had war crimes been committed by US forces in Vietnam? Yes, but such acts were few and far between. Yet Lt. Kerry gave numerous speeches and testimony before Congress inappropriately leading his audiences to believe that what was only an anomaly in the conduct of America's fighting men was an epidemic. Furthermore, he suggested that they were being encouraged to violated the law of war by those within the chain of command. Very specific orders, on file at the Vietnam archives at Texas Tech University, were issued by my father [Admiral Elmo Zumwalt] and others in his chain of command instructing subordinates to act responsibly in preserving the life and property of Vietnamese civilians."
-- Lt. Col. James Zumwalt, USMC (retired)

"We look at Vietnam... after all these years it is still languishing in isolated poverty and helplessness and tyranny. This is John Kerry's legacy. I deeply resent John Kerry's using his Swift boat experience, and his betrayal of those who fought there as a stepping-stone to his political ambitions."
-- Bernard Wolff
"In a whole year that I spent patrolling, I didn't see anything like a war crime, an atrocity, anything like that. Time and again I saw American fighting men put themselves in graver danger trying to avoid... collateral damage. When John Kerry returned to the country, he was sworn in front of Congress. And then he told my family -- my parents, my sister, my brother, my neighbors -- he told everyone I knew and everyone I'd ever know that I and my comrades had committed unspeakable atrocities."
-- David Wallace

"I served with these guys. I went on missions with them, and these men served honorably. Up and down the chain of command there was no acquiescence to atrocities. It was not condoned, it did not happen, and it was not reported to me verbally or in writing by any of these men including Lt.(jg) Kerry. In 1971, '72, for almost 18 months, he stood before the television audiences and claimed that the 500,000 men and women in Vietnam, and in combat, were all villains -- there were no heroes. In 2004, one hero from the Vietnam War has appeared, running for President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief. It just galls one to think about it."
-- Captain George Elliott, USN (retired)

"During the Vietnam War I was Task Force Commander at An Thoi, and my tour of duty was 13 months, from the end of Tet to the beginning of the Vietnamization of the Navy units.
Now when I went there right after Tet, I was restricted in my movements. I couldn't go much of anyplace because the Vietcong controlled most of the area. When I left, I could go anywhere I wanted, just about. Commerce was booming, the buses were running, trucks were going, the waterways were filled with sampans with goods going to market, but yet in Kerry's biography he says that our operations were a complete failure. He also mentions a formal conference with me, to try to get more air cover and so on. That conference never happened..."
-- Captain Adrian Lonsdale, USCG (retired)

"I was in An Thoi from June of '68 to June of '69, covering the whole period that John Kerry was there. I operated in every river, in every canal, and every off-shore patrol area in the 4th Corps area, from Cambodia all the way around to the Bo De River. I never saw, even heard of all of these so-called atrocities and things that we were supposed to have done. This is not true. We're not standing for it. We want to set the record straight."
-- William Shumadine

"In 1971, when John Kerry spoke out to America, labeling all Vietnam veterans as thugs and murderers, I was shocked and almost brought to my knees, because even though I had served at the same time and same unit, I had never witnessed or participated in any of the events that the Senator had accused us of. I strongly believe that the statements made by the Senator were not only false and inaccurate, but extremely harmful to the United States' efforts in Southeast Asia and the rest of the world. Tragically, some veterans, scorned by the antiwar movement and their allies, retreated to a life of despair and suicide. Two of my crewmates were among them. For that there is no forgiveness. "
-- Richard O'Mara

"My name is Steve Gardner. I served in 1966 and 1967 on my first tour of duty in Vietnam on Swift boats, and I did my second tour in '68 and '69, involved with John Kerry in the last 2 1/2 months of my tour. The John Kerry that I know is not the John Kerry that everybody else is portraying. I served alongside him and behind him, five feet away from him in a gun tub, and watched as he made indecisive moves with our boat, put our boats in jeopardy, put our crews in jeopardy... if a man like that can't handle that 6-man crew boat, how can you expect him to be our Commander-in-Chief?"
-- Steven Gardner

"I served in Vietnam as a boat officer from June of 1968 to July of 1969. My service was three months in Coastal Division 13 out of Cat Lo, and nine months with Coastal Division 11 based in An Thoi. John Kerry was in An Thoi the same time I was. I'm here today to express the anger I have harbored for over 33 years, about being accused with my fellow shipmates of war atrocities.
All I can say is when I leave here today, I'm going down to the Wall to tell my two crew members it's not true, and that they and the other 49 Swiftees who are on the Wall were then and are still now the best."
-- Robert Brant

"I never saw, heard of, or participated in any Swift boat crews killing cattle, poisoning crops, or raping and killing civilians as charged by John Kerry, both in his book and in public statements. Since we both operated at the same time, in the same general area, and on the same missions under the same commanders, it is hard to believe his claims of atrocities and poor planning of Sea Lord missions. I signed this letter because I feel that he used Swift boat sailors to proclaim his antiwar statements after the war, and now he uses the same Swift boat sailors to support his claims of being a war hero. He cannot have it both ways, and we are here to ask for full disclosure of the proof of his claims."
-- James Steffes

AWB to Sunset, maybe?

The liberal Anti-Gun crowd is about to go into the panic mode. The current legislative session is out for the summer and reconvenes on September 7. The Assault Weapons Ban expires on what? September 13. Expect a rash of horrible pictures of machine guns on the news. There will be an all out push to get the AWB renewed and attempts to tack it on to each and every bill. Keep in mind that most of what you hear will be not only false but lies.

Two places to review: 1. and 2.

The second site above will step you through generating a letter or email to you Senators and Representative. There is still time and reason to let them know what you think. Just click the link and enter your zip code, choose email or letter and fill in the blanks. It’s that easy to express your opinion. This really works and i've used it in the past and have gotten responses back from my congresspersons.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Botox Treatment?

Could this be one of he infamous Botox treatments?

Quick AM blog

I’m avoiding the television so as not to watch the DNC. I think I heard that Gore was to speak last night. Magically I will address what Gore said without actually having heard the speech or read anything about it.

Hey Gore, you Lost!!! You lost on the First count, the second count, the third count, the absentee ballot count, the after elections media counts. You did not win. Bush did not steal the election. You, however, tried to steal it. You're a bid Dope and a whining baby.

Monday, July 26, 2004

Too Good for porta-potty

Media Upset With DNC Restroom Facilities

They are making this way too easy on those of us who find humor in the demagogue hypocrisy. The party for the working class is too good for portable toilets. Click the link above.

And next… The Katsup lady says the tone of Political campaigning is “Un-American” and when questioned on this she tells the reporter to Shove-It, but first she says she never said. Now that’s just classy Mrs. Heinz. Perhaps a litte un-Pennsylvanian too. She had just said it in a speech. Maybe this is where Kerry learned the waffle.

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Disturbing Stuff

Take a moment to read the following article from the Washington Times.

This is distrubing. Now google "terrorists probing airplanes".

Lance Amstrong does it again

Armstrong Wins Record 6th Tour De France
Lance Armstrong rode into cycling history Sunday, winning a record sixth
consecutive Tour de France.

Take that you silly frenchmen.

Speaking of the french, take a look at this cats France joke (MostlyCajun)for today. I like his page. Being a reformed Cajun myself, his East Texas stories bring back memories.

Started Work out log

Started a separtate blog to keep track of my workouts. See John's Work out log. I may change this to John's Conservative Work Out Log. :)

John's Work Out Log

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Work Out!!!

Work Out!!!

A couple (ok maybe a few) years ago I was in pretty good shape. Worked out about 4 times a week, weight was down to 170lbs (I had lost about 40lbs) and I was skinny as a rail for the perhaps the first time since junior high school. At some point maybe one and a half to two years ago I stopped working out and have slowly gained most of the weight back. Kind of funny though, I don’t look as big as I did in the old days, but I’m up about a size and ½ in paints. About two months ago I had to pick up a pair of 38” waist pants and I said… whoaaaaa dude, you gotta lose some weight. Sot I started the Adkins diet.

I’m down to about 190 from 205 so I figure it’s time to start working out again. Today I read over at the Cryptic Subterranean web page that he is working out on a rowing machine and while I was already thinking about going back to the gym, his page pushed me over he edge and I went back today. This plus the fact that my better half started back at the gym about a month ago.

So what are my goals? Mostly Cardio related.

1. I want to get my blood pressure down to be consistently under 120 over 75. When I was working out before my blood pressure was consistently about 116 over 68 and now it is unmentionable in this forum.
2. I read somewhere once that if you burned over 2000 calories a week in the gym you could eat what ever you want. So 2000 calories per week at the gym after say 2 weeks of warm-up and getting used to going back.
3. After getting used to it again, number 2 above, 45 minutes of cardio and 15 to 20 minutes of weight training (weight training to include abs so time might have to be extended.

1. Time – I’ll have to make time. I used to go early in the morning, so maybe I can start doing that again.
2. My foot hurts. I have had since the beginning of May, a serious case of Plantar Faaciitas and my heel hurts like hell in the mornings. The doctor told me not exercise until it clears up, but I’m not willing to wait any longer. I’ve had two cortisone shots in my heel and have been on Steroids for it, but it has not healed. I think it is time to try the opposite route and exercise the darn thing. I honestly believe the stretching will help and while I will not be using the treadmill just yet, the elliptical trainers are great for cardio and easy on the feet and knees.

Today’s exercise log:

1. 5 minute fitness test on the treadmill, it rated me at a 40 and indicated above average fitness. Is the 40 saying I’m fit as a 40 year old? I’d like to get that down to 38 or so. I can remember a few years ago this same test had me at like 36 and indicated excellent fitness.
2. 30 minutes on a cross training elliptical machine. I burned about 420 calories doing this and with the other 50 or so, on the treadmill, makes for a good start, I think.
3. Spent another few minutes doing about 70 sit-ups on a sit-up bench. I know pretty lousy.

I think for the first week, I’ll limit myself to the above work out to “get back into it”.

Cryptic Sub – If you read this, you offered some advice on a routine, so feel free to alter or suggest something other than I what I’m doing. I’m just making this stuff up as I go. Keep in mind that I’m 42 years of age and a little overweight.

Friday, July 23, 2004

Flashlight Review - Surefire G2 Nitrolon

After taking a defensive pistol class, I felt naked without a tactical flash light in my bedroom. So off to the net in search of what I thought was going be another $100.00 toy. After checking with an online gun forum, I found out about the G2 from Surefire. I purchase one from MDWGuns online for $30.00 and received it about two days later.

So what does one do with a new flashlight? Right off the bat I blinded myself for about 20 minutes. Wow!!! That is one bright dude. The light is about 60 lumens and the 123A 3V lithium batteries are supposed to last for a full hour of continuous use. I've picked up a few small dive lights over the years and they are pretty bright, but this light outshines even the best dive lights.

Some of the neat features in this light are the indestructible Nitrolon polymer outer cover, the tactical rear momentary push button switch, and the fixed focus beam.

The flashlight is about 5” long and has maybe a ¾” shaft with a 1” bezel. The place I ordered from was out of black, so I got one in OD green and yellow is available too. The batteries are $15.00 per box of 12 on Sure Fire’s website and a quick check of Radio Shack's web pages showed that the Shack has them in packs of two for $14.69 . Looks like Surefire is a good company that gives consumers a good value on lithium batteries. $1.25 EA vs. $7.35 EA. Good job Surefire.

I highly recommend this flashlight and Surefire too. Even if you’re just a camera buff, the lithium batteries are worth looking at from Surefire. The batteries have a 10 year self life too.

Sandy Beger let Bin Ladin go or Clinton to Chicken to do his Job

So four times, George Tenet gave a plan to eliminate or capture Bin Ladin to the Clinton Administration. Not once, not twice, but four times. This is what Berger was up to when stuffing his socks with classified documents. Each time, Berger said “NO”. “NO”. “NO”. “NO”.

And why was Berger making these decisions on his own? Why was Clinton not making these calls? Can you guess? Because the Republicans made him too scared to do his fucking job. Can you believe this shit. They had four opportunities (five if you count the time Sudan offered him up), and who’s fault is it that nothing was done? The Republicans… because they were trying to impeach the fucker and he was too scared to do anything. That just really pisses me off. I knew these socialist were freaking whining chicken shit babies, but this really takes the cake. Nothing is their fault. This should be on the front page of every freaking news paper in the country.

Here is the article from the New York Sun.

US Policy on Israel key motive for 911

In reading an article about the 911 report : U.S. policy on Israel key motive for effort
So according to the 911 report, terrorist Khalid Shaikh Mohammad conceived and directed the 911 attack on the USA. It seems Mohammad had starting planning this attach 6 years prior to the actual attack and solicited help from al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden because Mohammad did not have the resources to carry it out himself. It seems also that the act was motivated by our support of Israel.

So it was not Bush’s fought after all? He did not bring terrorist down on us? Good people out there, Israel is our ally. The Arabs want the Jews dead, just as they want us dead because we support the Jews. What part of Genocide do people not understand? For you liberals who talk down about Israel and liken our president to a fascist, do you really want to associate yourselves with those who commit genocide? Do you?

Edwards Suggests World Leaders Want Bush To Lose

From Matt Drudge at

Seems Sen. John, Trial Lawyer, Edwards has now met with world leaders and the world leaders have indicated that they want a change in the Presidency of the USA. Let met guess, Edwards, could these leaders been from France? Germany? Were they communist? Do they support Terrorism? Or maybe Iran or Syria?

Hey Kerry, you'll find people all over the world that do not like us. Take Osama, he would love to see you and old John win. The Muslims have saying that goes something like they "love it when the enemy slices its own neck".

How's this for your new campaign bumper sticker Edwards.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Gun Collection - Hand Guns

Gun Collection - Hanguns Posted by Hello

Handgun Collection - Beretta Couger 8045, Cougar L, Tomcat and a Walther PPK/S

Desperadoes Linda and Whoopi

Link for the article

Ok..NY Times… how freaking arrogant can you be. The audience is paying for the performance. If they don’t like it, then they don’t freaking like it. “It implies - for some members of the audience at least - that there is a philosophical contract that says an artist must entertain an audience only in the ways that audience sees fit”. The audience is the customer you bozo. You’re damn right she needs to entertain in only the ways the customer sees fit. How freaking arrogant can you get.

“not Ms. Ronstandt, who threatened, after all only to sing”. Huh… the hole point is she did more than “only sing”. You just justified managements point of view. You guys want it both ways and it pisses you off when people call you on it.

Linda and freaking Whoopi… you too need to figure out that the world does not revolve around your fat asses and there are Consequences to your actions. What are you guys, three year olds.

Picture of the Day - From Drudge

Here is the story

Dumb Ass quote of the Day

About Linda the Lib again. Here is the quote regarding the Alladin after they tossed her out:

"I keep hoping that if I'm annoying enough to them, they won't hire me back". Hey Linda, you don't have to accept the gig you know.

Michael (thefrenchman) Moore comments about Linda being tossed (from the same article):

"What country do you live in?," Moore asked in the letter. "Last time I checked, Las Vegas is still in the United States. And in the United States, we have something called 'The First Amendment'" which guarantees the right to free speech."

Dude - You can't say jack in my house. If the owers of private property want to toss you out, they can. It has noting to do with Free Speech you idiotic dumb ass (how's that for free speech).

here is the article: Click Here

Blogs for Bush: Wictory Wednesdays

Blog for Bush Wednesday. Take a look at

Not registered to vote: Go to

Today is Wictory Wednesday. Every Wednesday, over one hundred bloggers ask their readers to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush 2004 campaign.

If you're a blogger, you can join Wictory Wednesdays simply by putting up a post like this one every Wednesday, asking your readers to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush campaign. And then e-mail so that you'll be added to the Wictory Wednesday blogroll, which will be part of the Wictory Wednesday post on all participating blogs:

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Linda Ronstadt agress with Bin Ladin - Repulsed by Christians and Republicans

I’m not even going to go into the Berger Sock stuffing situation. This is just too incredible to believe. But… are there any Christians out there. Have you noticed that since September 11th and we started using the term fundamentalist Muslim, the news media and Hollywood coined the phrase fundamentalist Christian. Now… anyone out there like Linda Ronstadt’s music? Here is a quote from good ole Linda:This is an election year, and I think we're in desperate trouble and it's time for people to speak up and not pipe down. It's a real conflict for me when I go to a concert and find out somebody in the audience is a Republican or fundamental Christian. It can cloud my enjoyment. I'd rather not know.”

Also, in speaking of Michael Moore she says “I think he's a great patriot”.

Well Linda, speaking as a republican and a Christian, I find your comments offensive and I certainly will not cause any clouding of your enjoyment at any event that you attend or sing in. Further more don’t worry about my buying any albums or any product associated with your name or sponsorship. I’ll also make sure that as many Christians and Republicans know that you are repulsed by their existence. Perhaps you should consider joining a like minded group called Muslims, Linda.

Monday, July 19, 2004

Range Report

Just finished up a two day defensive shooting course. What a hoot. For those of you who own handguns, you really should take one of these. We learned how to properly draw. Shot from various distances. Shoot while moving (forwards and backwards). Moving in groups. Different prone and kneeling positions. Close in shooting and moving back to take aim. Malfunction clearing. Speed Reloads, tactical reload, admin reloads. Pretty much if you can do it with a pistol, we did it. I did a more detailed outline of the class for my own reference, but if you would like a copy, just drop me an email.

We put about 800 rounds down range in two days. I learned a hell of a lot and am 1000 times more likely handle a life threatening situation. My fingers ache and my legs feel like jelly, but I’m in a lot better shape than the guy who shot himself in the foot yesterday while re-holstering.

Things I need to work on – 1. Accuracy 2. Clearing Stove Pipes – (I kept wanting to drop my mag for whatever reason, you just tap, roll and rack, Bam). Just slightly different for Tap, Rack, Bam.

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Schwarzenegger Calls Dems 'Girlie Men'

LOS ANGELES - A spokesman for Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said Sunday that the governor would not apologize for calling lawmakers "girlie men," despite criticisms from Democrats that the remark was sexist and homophobic.

Just the title had me rolling. I had a rough day today and needed a good laugh. Thank you Arnold.

Schwarzenegger Calls Dems Girlile Men

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Elton attacks 'censorship' in US

Thanks goodness. Finally someone to point out to us Americans that we have problems in our country. Elton John has pointed out that people, no not people, STARS are scared to speak out in America. Scared to spew venomous hatred littered with explicatives towards our President. But alas, I think, Mr. John, the celebrities in our country have misled you. You see, it is not that they are afraid of reprisals from the government. Mr. Bush could care less what they say. The reprisals come from those who pay them. For you see… just like my employer, if I went on a rampage and insulted the folks who use our products, I WOULD GET FIRED!!! You freaking idiot.

This is obviously about Whoopi and her losing slimfast. I guess the bozo thinks the government controls Slimfast. See if i ever buy another Elton John CD. Hey Elton, i hope this makes it to the main stream American media. Our Government will make sure that you don't sell as many CD in our country dude. Idiot.

here is the artical in question: Elton attacks 'censorship' in US

Canadians against Moore Campaigning

Take a gander at - Seems back in June, Moore was in Canada telling Canadians who to vote for in their upcoming elections. It also seems that according to Canadian Law, it is illegal for anyone who is not a Canadian to “in any way induce electors to vote or refrain from voting for a particular candidate unless the person is (a) a Canadian citizen; or (b) a permanent resident."

Moore basically went to Canada during their June 28 elections and with his fat, obnoxious ill-mannered self, suggested that people vote for someone other than Conservative party candidate Stephen Harper.

Guess what Moore - People don't want to hear what you have to say. Here or in Canada.

Back in the USA there are some arguments that Moore’s F-911 anti-Bush might just break the campaign finance reform laws. I’m a little skeptical on this one, but you can read about it at

My favorite Canadian quote out of all of this "Protect our sovereignty from an ugly invader"


I changed up the side bar. Changed "Links" to "Daily Reads" and added some Shameless Advertising. The Daily Reads will be updated often, i hope, as i find blogs or news pages of interest. The Shameless Advertising makes me 50 bucks if someone orders a Satellite TV system. Pretty Cool, well for me anyway. Damn Capitalist.

Friday, July 16, 2004

My 3ATis History

Well my Kel-Tec .3AT experience is over. I brought it back to the person I purchased if from yesterday morning. I’ve never returned a gun, hell, I almost never return anything, and he graciously gave me cash back instead of credit. I know, I know… I wish I had just taken credit so I would have $240.00 towards a new gun at some point. I had told my wife that I was taking it back and she was quick to say, “well, you can use that money to buy the ammo you need for the defensive shooting class”. I hate it when she has a good point. So I spent 100 bucks on 1000 rounds of Winchester 9mm and put $120.00 in my gun safe for safe keeping :). I was on the road this week so the other 20 bucks went to snacks and junk.

Back to the Kel-Tec – this is what I found. Don’t forget that I was only able to get about 25 rounds through it.

1. The trigger pin slipped down and caused the trigger not to go back far enough to drop the hammer.
2. Several Failures to Eject. Now I know the Kel-Tec’s are known for FTF’s and those are fixed by doing the infamous “Fluff and Buff”, but what do you do about failures to eject?
3. Corbon’s through this gun are painful. I’ve read people on the net say that can’t tell the difference between regular and +P ammo. Well just go get a Kel-Tec 3AT and try both target ammo and Corbon’s thought it. You’ll know the difference. My hand actually hurt after about 5 or six rounds.
4. The sights suck. My old eyes just could not line up these tiny sights. I have a Tomcat .32 that has no markings on the sights and I can shoot it straight, but the Kel-Tec was all over the place. The Tomcat seems to be more of a natural shooter.

Note: the Corbon ammo is marked 220 ft/lbs energy and the 3AT is rated to 250.

I’ll say again that I really like the idea of a small compact .380, but the Kel-Tec needs more meat to it. It is too light and small. Maybe if they gave it an alloy frame.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Rumors abound

You heard it here first folks -

See paragraph 2.

Cool Stuff!!!

I've been named an honorary member of The Horde at :) Internet tip of the day. Want to increase the number of hits on your site conter? Get mentioned by the MadOgre. MadOgre has become one of my daily reads. Thanks, Ogre.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Kerry’s inner circle expands or Tell me what to say, Please!!!

I remember when Bush was surrounding himself with smart people like Condi Rice, Colon Powell… various cabinet member and I think Bush himself said that he was surrounding himself with people smarter than himself as a means to make better decisions. The Dems said he was too dumb to think for himself. The story line above concerns Kerry surrounding himself with consultants to tell him what to say and when. According to the article:

“The campaign now includes 37 separate domestic policy councils and 27 foreign policy groups, each with scores of members. The justice policy task force alone includes 195 members. The environmental group is roughly the same size, as is the agriculture and rural development council. Kerry counts more than 200 economists as his advisers.”

Basically this guy has surrounded himself with special interest groups to guide his political views. No wonder he appears to be waffling on every subject. He is being jerked in which direction. He's a walkin toy boy.

The story goes on to contrast the Bush campaign:

“In contrast, President Bush campaign policy shop is a no-frills affair. Policy director Tim Adams directs about a dozen experts who make sure the campaign is in sync with the vast executive branch that is formulating policy. Adams's group also analyzes Kerry's proposals and voting record. Fewer than a dozen outside task forces, with five to 10 members, also help out on education, veterans' issues, the economy, and energy, environment and natural resources, said campaign spokesman Scott Stanzel.”

Here again, surround yourself with the best and smartest, keep the quantity down and the quality up.

Blogs for Bush: Wictory Wednesdays

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Like it'll ever happen

July 12, 2004

Mary Beth Cahill
Campaign Manager
John Kerry for President
P.O. Box 34640
Washington, DC 20043

Dear Ms. Cahill:

On Thursday your campaign hosted a fundraiser at Radio City Music Hall at which Sen. Kerry said, "Every performer tonight in their own way either verbally through their music through their lyrics have conveyed to you the heart and soul of our country."

I called on your campaign to release the performance that Sen. Kerry said represented the "heart and soul" of America so that all Americans could see for themselves what John Kerry thinks represents the "heart and soul" of our country.

Do most Americans in their hearts, think that calling the President a "thug" and a "killer" represents the "heart and soul" of our nation? We don't think so, but we think voters should decide for themselves by watching the celebrities John Kerry said captured the "heart and soul" of America.

Your Senior Advisor Tad Devine said that you believed that releasing musical performances "might violate copyrights and licensing agreements for the entertainers who performed and allow the Bush campaign to use the tape in commercials against Kerry and Edwards"

I have been assured that "fair use" rules of copyright would allow you to release the tapes of these musical performances to the news media under 2 U.S.C. 107. To allay the other concern you relayed to the news media, Bush-Cheney '04 pledges to refrain from using audio, video or transcripts of the event for any television, cable, satellite or radio advertising. We look forward to seeing this spirited display.


Ken Mehlman
Campaign Manager

When Did news get so directed to an objective?

Rosie compares the USA to Iraq because we don’t like “Gay marriage’. A Sky News reports talks about the 10 years olds joining to fight for the “Palestinian Cause”. A wall designed to keep people out who want to kill those inside is compared to and stated to be worse than a wall that was built to keep it’s inhabitants in and living in fear. Countries like Spain and the Philippines give in to terrorist demands allowing them to influence the direction in which countries move.

Here is a cut from the basic “My Yahoo Today”

Top Stories from AP Jul 13 6:09pm PT
• Bin Laden Confidant Surrenders to Saudis - "And gets a pass from Saudi"

• Militants Claim to Kill Bulgarian Hostage - Should read “Chicken Shit, Hooded Cowards kill a hostage today”

• Philippines to Withdraw Iraq Troops Early - Should read “Terrorist plan is working”

World News from Reuters Jul 13 5:08pm PT
• Israel Rerouting Barrier Closer to Border-Sources - “Screw the world court”

• Train Attacked in N.Irish Parade Violence – “Here is some terrorism that’s being going on a while”

• NATO Tussle Looms as Iraq Widens Security Requests – "Ok France, Iraq is a sovereign nation asking for help. HELP Them!!!"

Politics News from AP Jul 13 5:45pm PT
• Bush, Kerry Use 'Values' to Woo Voters – "Kerry and Values in the same breath. Doesn’t he know that people hate Bush because he has them?"

• Ex-Presidents, Rivals to Speak for Kerry -" Uh Oh… were is Hillary? I may have to turn off my TV and hibernate during the DNC"

• Gay Marriage Ban Divides Senate GOP - "It’s not about religion, it's about family. You know producing a children, not having them as pets."

Monday, July 12, 2004

Concealed Carry Magazine

So is concealed carry becoming a sub-culture? There is a new magazine out called Concealed Carry Magazine and while I confess that I have not yet read the magazine, it's mere existence suggests a sub-culture. Someone must read it, right? According to their mission on the web site, they are “informative, bold, and politically incorrect”. Ah, maybe there is a sub-culture in being politically incorrect. I really don’t accept that owning a gun is politically incorrect. If that is the case then the Second Amendment to the constitution is in serious trouble. The mission statement goes on to say that the magazine contains essays, reader profiles, tactic and training articles, and gear reviews.

Gear Reviews, now there is something that is really needed. Like most, I fell into the idea that all I need is a 10 dollar holster and then well maybe a $25.00 one. Of course, now, my $100.00 Milt Sparks. is the most comfortable and most used. Holsters are just like other products in that you get what you pay for and I’ve paid for a drawer full of them. The other day I picked up a JAK Slide. Just little piece of leather with belt loops for $50.00 plus tax. I was pleasantly surprised at how well it felt and concealed. Your belt keeps it pulled in close and helps retain the gun too. My favorite for the car is the DeSantis Nemesis at $16.99. Just like a slipper with a sticky outside to slip your favorite 9mm into for the center console. And lastly for a pocket holster on those hot summer days, nothing beats an Uncle Mike's Inside the Pocket holster (10 bucks) with my little Tomcat. All total, that about $175.00 in Holsters that i actually use. I dare not include all of the ones in my holster drawer that never feel cold steel.

Anyway, sub culture or not, the magazine sounds interesting and I might just order the free issue to see what it is all about. I wonder if it comes in a plain brown wrapper?

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Range Report

Well I signed up for a level 1 defensive pistol course for next weekend so I decided to take my 9mm 8000L cougar to the range today for a little target practice. I’ve not shot this gun in a few months and I want to use it next weekend.

I only put 100 rounds down range, the Beretta cougar is a great gun though. Loaded up three mags, popped one in and the first double action shot was dead center. Second shot is single action and it was about three inches left. Hmm… Seemed to be the story all day. First shot double action, dead center, follow-ups always seemed to go left a little. I guess I can live with 2-3” groups at 10 yards though. I was not really taking my time and was shooting pretty fast. Maybe the instructor next weekend will help me figure out why i'm shooting a little left. As the norm with the Cougars, no failures of any type. I have two Cougars, the 9mm L type that i shot today and a mini 8045 in .45 cal. I had considered trading the L for a 92 variant of some type, but hey, i can use the same holsters with both cougars :) and that is a real plus. They also feel basically the same and have the same controls, but the 92's also use the same controls.

I’ve always wanted to do one of these classes, so I figured why not. The course will be two 8 hour days and cost $250.00. It is outlined for 800 to 1000 rounds of ammo and the range wants $150.00 for 1000 rounds. I’ll have to shop around over the next week for ammo. The instructor wants everyone to have a strong side holster (not iwb), but you can bring both. So i picked up a Glaco JAK Slide and a nylon mag holder and a new belt for another $92.00. So in all this class is going to end up costing about $500.00 bucks.

It ought to be a lot of fun though and i am really looking forward to going. Who knows maybe this will push me into doing the competition stuff.

Friday, July 09, 2004

Same Subject

This just had me rolling.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

The Gay Vote or John's got a John It is just too darn funny not to share. Enjoy.


John Edwards was really the only choice that Kerry could make and everyone knew it was coming. Dick Gephart? Instant loss and Kerry knew it. It’ll be interesting to see how the “trail lawyer” plays out. So far I have heard no mention of this in the mainstream media. I've heard that Edwards made his fame and fortune suing doctors. Time permiting, i'll do some research on this over the weekend. I have to go to Louisiana, so I am not sure how much time i will have, and it drives my wife nuts when i surf the internet while driving. :)

So I got a bumper sticker in the mail from the Bush campaign. W’04. That’s it, just W’04. Is anyone else thinking that Cheney might drop out? So who are the possibilities here, Condi? Powell? Either would be dynamite choices. I think Bush/Rice would be awesome.

Monday, July 05, 2004

John Kerry has no convictions or “I really don’t know what I believe in”.

So after all of the pressure from his Church, John Kerry now says: “I oppose abortion, personally. I don't like abortion. I believe life does begin at conception." However, he goes on to say: “I can't take my Catholic belief, my article of faith, and legislate it on a Protestant or a Jew or an atheist," he continued in the interview. "We have separation of church and state in the United States of America."

In other words, and I’m paraphrasing here, I’ll tell you what ever you want to hear because I really have no convictions to which I adhere. Kerry’s group, well, ” "These Guys Are the Most Crooked, Lying Group I've Ever Seen" or wait that’s what Kerry said about unions.

oh, and here is the Republicans response to the abotions issue turnaround from Kerry:
"John Kerry's ridiculous claim to hold conservative values and his willingness to change his beliefs to fit his audience betrays a startling lack of conviction on important issues like abortion that will make it difficult for voters to give him their trust," said Steve Schmidt, a Bush campaign spokesman.

I can almost see the 60 mintues interview: Mr. Kerry, deep down you really have strong convictions don't you, um... i mean um... lets take the abortion issue. Is it really painful for you to have to step back and not legislate your beliefs? Um, well dan, yes I voted for the 87 billions dollars before I voted against it.

I’m pretty well convinced that this issue is what has polarized our country so much. Bill Clinton gave half of our country justification to ignore their convictions and beliefs and people do not want to give that up. GW lives by his convictions and beliefs and to me that is a wonderful thing. To people like Kerry and other socialist it is “forcing their beliefs on others”. What they do not get is that the separation of church and state has nothing at all to do with whether John Kerry believes in abortion or is Catholic. The separation of church and state is about not setting up a national religion, it has noting to do with abortion at all or what religion the president happens to be. It is not about separating one mans belief system (in this case Bush or Kerry) from how he executes legislation.

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Happy Independence Day!!!

Independence day. Today is the day that we celebrate the first American’s. The people who said enough is enough and separated from England to form the United States of America. Today is the day we celebrate these United States of America! God Bless you all.

Even this guy?

Nah, he'll snatch that weapon of independence from you one person at a time. This is not the person we need in the office of the President right now or ever. You give him the office and gun control,no people control, will be advance too far. It will be a sad time for this country as we will be that much closer to socialism.

Saturday, July 03, 2004

The sorry bastards...

so the sorry bastards with hidden faces have beheaded another person. I use the word person because they have not limited themselves to US Citizens, remember the recent Korean? These chicken shit bastards will get theirs’ in the end. We’ll find them and drag their sorry asses out of some fucking hole just like Sadam.

take a look at this web site. From the ghost of General Patton - Listen up! I found this over at

Friday, July 02, 2004

Range Report

I picked up two new guns this week. A Beretta Cougar mini 8045 and Kel-Tech 3AT. Beretta’s are my favorite of all firearms and I really wanted a .45. We will start with the good news. The 8045 functioned flawlessly, as would be expected for a Beretta. Loaded up the first magazine with some round ball el cheapo S&B and bam… right in the 10 ring at 10 yards. Pretty much went though 50 rounds of round ball with the same result and then 20 rounds of 230 gr federal hydra-shoks. Simply put, it is an awesome and fun shooting firearm. The nice thing two about a Mini Cougar is that it comes with both a mini-magazine and a full size mag. With the full size magazine, it becomes a full size gun. The only down side is that the small mag only holds 6 rounds and the full size holds 8. One would think they would find a way to squeeze 10 rounds in there, but I guess I’m use to 9mm’s.

Now for the bad news. The Kel-Tec 3AT. First off, I’ve always been skeptical about this gun. I mean just look at the name 3AT instead of .380. The name is just plain lame. I had stopped at a store for ammo on the way to the range and all they had for range ammo was S&B. Now I’ve never shot S&B, and the guy said it is a little hotter than others because is loaded to NATO specs (huh… a NATO .380???). Ok… so I pick up a box of 50 rounds and a box of 20 rounds of Corbon 90 gr JHP. I made it though about 12 rounds of the S&B and 13 rounds of the Corbon and had had about 5 Failures to Eject (both types of ammo) and then what happens? I pull the trigger and nothing happens. Hmmm. Well I figure, I must have miscounted to rounds, so I pull the slide back and a freaking round pops out. I remove the magazine, refill it and shove it back in and rack the slide. Pull the trigger and nothing. The trigger does not feel right, so I remove the magazine and rack the slide to get the round out of the chamber. No primer marks on the round. I pull the trigger and watched the hammer. The hammer goes all of the way back, but does not drop. The hammer is not dropping. I tried several times and the hammer would not drop. I can pull the trigger and hold it and then thumb the hammer back a little and it drops. I guess the trigger is out of adjustment. I’ve never seen this happen on a handgun, but between the FTE’s and the hammer not dropping, it is going back.

I really liked the idea of a light weight .380, but man, this one needs a lot of work. It feels like a cheap piece of plastic too.