Monday, July 05, 2004

John Kerry has no convictions or “I really don’t know what I believe in”.

So after all of the pressure from his Church, John Kerry now says: “I oppose abortion, personally. I don't like abortion. I believe life does begin at conception." However, he goes on to say: “I can't take my Catholic belief, my article of faith, and legislate it on a Protestant or a Jew or an atheist," he continued in the interview. "We have separation of church and state in the United States of America."

In other words, and I’m paraphrasing here, I’ll tell you what ever you want to hear because I really have no convictions to which I adhere. Kerry’s group, well, ” "These Guys Are the Most Crooked, Lying Group I've Ever Seen" or wait that’s what Kerry said about unions.

oh, and here is the Republicans response to the abotions issue turnaround from Kerry:
"John Kerry's ridiculous claim to hold conservative values and his willingness to change his beliefs to fit his audience betrays a startling lack of conviction on important issues like abortion that will make it difficult for voters to give him their trust," said Steve Schmidt, a Bush campaign spokesman.

I can almost see the 60 mintues interview: Mr. Kerry, deep down you really have strong convictions don't you, um... i mean um... lets take the abortion issue. Is it really painful for you to have to step back and not legislate your beliefs? Um, well dan, yes I voted for the 87 billions dollars before I voted against it.

I’m pretty well convinced that this issue is what has polarized our country so much. Bill Clinton gave half of our country justification to ignore their convictions and beliefs and people do not want to give that up. GW lives by his convictions and beliefs and to me that is a wonderful thing. To people like Kerry and other socialist it is “forcing their beliefs on others”. What they do not get is that the separation of church and state has nothing at all to do with whether John Kerry believes in abortion or is Catholic. The separation of church and state is about not setting up a national religion, it has noting to do with abortion at all or what religion the president happens to be. It is not about separating one mans belief system (in this case Bush or Kerry) from how he executes legislation.


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