Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Dumb Ass quote of the Day

About Linda the Lib again. Here is the quote regarding the Alladin after they tossed her out:

"I keep hoping that if I'm annoying enough to them, they won't hire me back". Hey Linda, you don't have to accept the gig you know.

Michael (thefrenchman) Moore comments about Linda being tossed (from the same article):

"What country do you live in?," Moore asked in the letter. "Last time I checked, Las Vegas is still in the United States. And in the United States, we have something called 'The First Amendment'" which guarantees the right to free speech."

Dude - You can't say jack in my house. If the owers of private property want to toss you out, they can. It has noting to do with Free Speech you idiotic dumb ass (how's that for free speech).

here is the article: Click Here


Blogger Jay.Mac said...

Typical of Moore (and most of the left wing in similar situations)- who holds the Second Amendment in such disdain- to cite the First Amendment in a case where it obviously does not belong.
I noticed too that Ronstadt was quoted as saying "it’s a real conflict for me when I go to a concert and find out somebody in the audience is a Republican or fundamental Christian. It can cloud my enjoyment.." Hopefully both groups will boycott her now- I wonder if having an audience 50% smaller will make her feel better?

3:09 PM  

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