Friday, July 23, 2004

Sandy Beger let Bin Ladin go or Clinton to Chicken to do his Job

So four times, George Tenet gave a plan to eliminate or capture Bin Ladin to the Clinton Administration. Not once, not twice, but four times. This is what Berger was up to when stuffing his socks with classified documents. Each time, Berger said “NO”. “NO”. “NO”. “NO”.

And why was Berger making these decisions on his own? Why was Clinton not making these calls? Can you guess? Because the Republicans made him too scared to do his fucking job. Can you believe this shit. They had four opportunities (five if you count the time Sudan offered him up), and who’s fault is it that nothing was done? The Republicans… because they were trying to impeach the fucker and he was too scared to do anything. That just really pisses me off. I knew these socialist were freaking whining chicken shit babies, but this really takes the cake. Nothing is their fault. This should be on the front page of every freaking news paper in the country.

Here is the article from the New York Sun.


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