Monday, October 30, 2006

Sekula Gibbs Rally in Sugar Land

Couple of pictures from tonight’s rally at Sugar Land airport. President Bush talked for 40 minutes or so and gave a terrific speech. I am glad my wife, son, and I were fortunate enough and to obtain tickets and make the rally. The President's speech was great, the excitement was wonderful, and the event was well attended by many republicans and Texas politicians.

Saturday, October 28, 2006


I voted yesterday. Texas has a great early voting system and I always take advantage the opportunity to beat long lines at the polls. The wait was a little longer this year than in past years because of the new electronic voting machines. Between figuring out the new system and spelling out SHELLEY SEKULA GIBBS, everyone was taking a little extra time in the booth. I had to wait maybe 10 minutes for my turn at the machine. Using the machine was relatively painless, but I still wish I had the old “fill in the circle with a number 2 pencil” ballot. OK, Nick Lampson (and Shelley for that matter) you can stop sending me ads in the mail.

Get out and Vote!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Political Contributions

With an election looming near, my mail is full of political ads solicitation for donations to various campaigns and local, state and national RNC organizations. I typically give some dollars to the RNC at some level (mainly national) and sometimes directly to candidates. My frustration, with the local RNC, is on the rise. Looking at the Fort Bend GOP web site, you would not even know there is a congressional district 22 race in less than a month. The last news letter on the site is from April and the only CD22 candidate listed in the “Elections” section is Joe Reasbeck. Both Harris and Galveston County GOP web sites have information and links to Shelly Sekula Gibbs. What’s up with Fort Bend County? Pouting? It is disappointing to see that the Fort Bend GOP has walked away from this race. They should be the driving force behind keeping CD22 republican, but they are mute. So in my book, they are moot. I gave a small donation directly to Sekula Gibbs and I encourage anyone reading this to do the same.