Thursday, August 26, 2004

Kerry Turned Away at Bush Camp

Ok... Click Here and read this article that was on page three of the Houston Chronicle today.

Title: Swift Boat Vets' ads still at center stage

Sub-Title: Kerry Camp's protest letter turned away at Bush Ranch.

“The Vietnam attack ad controversy

(the ad in question was a Kerry attack ad, not a Vietnam attack ad. Attacking the Vietnam War was what Kerry did 30 years ago)
that has dogged the presidential campaign almost consumed the race Wednesday.

Vietnam veteran and former Democratic Sen. Max Cleland traveled to President Bush's ranch, but was not allowed to give him a letter protesting ads challenging John Kerry's military service."

Ok here is my problem with this. It is not true, period. The Texas Land Commissioner, Jay Patterson, tried to accept the letter on the behalf of George Bush, but Cleland refused to give it to him. He kept trying to force it on the State Troopers and the Secret Service. They said that they did not accept letters for the President. Patterson was there specifically to accept the letter and to provide a response to the Kerry camp in the form of a written letter. Cleland would not take his letter, nor give Kerry's letter to Patterson.

After reading 3/4 of the article bashing bush and his supporters while praising Kerry and his, you get a sentence about Patterson being there to accept the letter, but goes on to bash even Patterson by saying that one of Patterson's major contributors was Bob Perry who helped finance the Swift Boat Vets.

This is pretty sad reporting by the Chronicle. The bias is just blatant. Yet another embarrassment from the Kerry Camp and their partners, the liberal news media.

Another laughable article is in the LA Times. It states that Kerry is losing gound in the polls due to the Swift Boad Ads. Well, the ads started it, but Kerry's own handling of the the ads and constant negative campaigning is what is causing the drop in polls. He's an idiot.

Kerry is an embarrassment ot our great country.

I’m beginning to think that Kerry is maintaining the Swift boat controversy because he has nothing else to say. He can’t talk about his record in the Senate, because it really sucks and he was missing half of the time. He can’t talk about the issues, because he would have to talk to everyone, not just sucking up to some special interest 2%’r group. We all know that he has to take multiple sides to every issue. So what else can he do? You are seeing it on TV. He can bash his opponent with every open breath. Bush this and Bush that. I really don’t ever recall a presidential election being this dirty. This guy is not very Presidential and there is no freaking way I would want him to represent me or my country. He is a slime ball and the polls are starting to show it. He is loosing popularity among all but the far left wing Bush haters. What a dumbass for making a 4 month period 30 years ago the foundation of his campaign.

So what does all of this mean? If Kerry keeps up the bashing and embarrassing show that he is currently giving us, he’ll lose by a land slide.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

I've been Googled - Is that a word?

Ever notice the site counter at the bottom of his page. It counts the number of visitors to this site and where they come from. It is interesting to me that people can find this site with google and yahoo searches. Below a few of the recent searches that have found John’ Conservative Thoughts:

Google : AWB Sunset
Google : Beretta Cougar 8000L
Yahoo : Linda Ronstandt alladin
Google : Surefire G2 Review

So what about Kerry sending his henchmen to the Bush ranch in Crawford, TX. These guys are imploding!!! You just can't keep them down, Kerry. You are looking more and more like the ass that you are. I wonder if i'll get googled now for Kerry and Ass.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Hot Saucing?

I could talk about Kerry today, but the Swift Boat vets are doing a fine job of that already... Kerry just can't keep them down... I’ve said it over and over again. Now it is looking like some of it is sticking. (unless of course you write commentary for the Houston Chronicle (caution, if you read the linked article, it will cause increased blood pressure), then Bush is trying to usurp the freedom of speech by denouncing the 527 ads.

What I want to talk about is the practice of Hot Saucing. Would you believe there are people out there that put hot sauce on children’s' tongues as a form of discipline. I'm not making this up. Read the article here or click the link in the Title line.

Now, having been raised in south Louisiana, this would have been like feeding me candy as a form of discipline. I mean I put Tabasco on crackers, bypassing the cracker and just dabbing it on my tongue, would be like just licking the sugar off a cookie.

Now to the rest of the country, what are you people thinking? What's next, burning them with a cigarette?

Saturday, August 21, 2004

News Flash - Kerry has not spent any money on negative ads!

While cooking breakfast (bacon, eggs, and toast if you want to know), I had the television on Fox News. Ever since the last presidential election, if the TV is on and we’re not really watching anything, Fox is tuned in as background noise. Anyway, they play a clip of John Kerry saying “John and mine’s campaign has not spent one dollar on negative advertising”.

I actually let out a great big belly laugh. I mean this was perhaps the funniest thing I have ever heard anyone one say. Every time Kerry opens his mouth he is bashing Bush. This statement alone should be enough to cause anyone who has been following this election not to vote for Kerry. If he can’t even be honest about his campaign, how can you trust him with anything else, like the safety of our nation and the protection of our rights? Even if he did not bash Bush, which he does every time he opens his mouth, the popular media is doing plenty of Bush bashing for him and not even charging for it.

I’m starting to see the tides turn and maybe this election won’t be as close as I have been thinking. Maybe Kerry is burying himself in too deep of a hole to get out of. The swift boat vets and other vets have hurt him pretty hard. I still say that if he had left the military thing alone, he would be in much better shape now. You can’t be a leftist military basher and then claim yourself a war hero. It just doesn’t wash with most people. And those that you bashed and called baby killers and war criminals are having a blast paying you back. Watch these vets on TV taking about Kerry, they are actually have fun doing it. You can see the gleam and pleasure in their eyes. The more I think if it, the more I think Kerry is a Dumbass.

Friday, August 20, 2004

From an NRA news letter today

As we continue to note, Congress will return from its Summer District Work Period on September 7. That means that the gun-banners have just a few more working days left to push for an extension of the Clinton gun ban before it "sunsets" next month. With time running out, we must remain vigilant against any attempts to reauthorize this legislation. As we count down the remaining days, it is critical that we remain active!

During this recess, many of your Senators and Representatives will be back home in their respective states and districts. Many lawmakers use this time to hold town hall meetings, where they can report on what they've been doing in Washington, and hold discussions with their constituents. These meetings afford you an opportunity to personally voice your strong opposition to any legislation that seeks to reenact or expand the 1994 Clinton gun ban.

Please contact your lawmakers' district offices and ask when they plan to hold their town hall meetings during the break. If you do not know the number for your lawmakers' district offices, you can use the "Write Your Representatives" tool at, or call the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-8683.

There's no media bias

From time to time i like to cut and paste the news headlines from "My Yahoo". There is no media bias here, huh... How many Pro-Kerry vs. Con-Bush articles? Anything on the Swift Vets?

Politics News from Reuters Aug 20 3:14pm CT
• Kerry Vows to Reverse Job Losses to Overseas
• Bush Spending Spree Continues, More Cash to Burn
• Kerry Stirs Gasoline Debate Amid Record Oil Prices
• Pro-Bush Democrat Keynote Speaker for Republicans
Politics News from AP Aug 20 3:14pm CT
• General Who Supported Bush in New Kerry Ad
• Candidate, Party Spending Tops $1 Billion
• Kerry Aims to Counter Impact of Criticism
• GOP Convention Light on Stars
Elections News from Yahoo! News Aug 20 3:14pm CT
• GOP Convention Light on Stars
• Bush's Nephew Campaigns in Mexico
• Kerry Aims to Counter Impact of Criticism
• Kerry Stirs Gasoline Debate Amid Record Oil Prices

Top Stories from Reuters Aug 20 3:25pm CT
* Sadr Militia Still Controls Iraq Shrine -- Witness
* U.S. Arrests Two in Hamas Financing Case
* Report: Army Doctors Involved in Abu Ghraib Abuse
* Kerry Vows to Reverse Job Losses to Overseas

World News from Reuters Aug 20 3:27pm CT
* Sadr Militia Still Controls Iraq Shrine -- Witness
* Israel's Peres Urges Election, Pressures Sharon
* U.N. Says Darfur Camps in Chad Close to Capacity
* Congo Former Foes Head to S.Africa for Talks

Top Stories from Aug 20 6:28am CT
* Kerry blasts TV ads on war record
* Fog of war, partisanship cloud Kerry's Vietnam record
* Dispute over Kerry's record could hurt both sides
* Democrat's voice will be heard at GOP convention

Kel-Tec Pocket Pistol

The Mad Ogre is doing a review on the Kel-Tec 3AT and I can’t wait to get his thoughts on this little gun. I’ve said before that I like the idea of a light weight pocket pistol in .380, but my experience with the Kel-Tec was pretty lousy. I hope he doesn’t give it a good review because if he has good things to say, it will just make me want another one. Below are the links from my experience with the 3AT.

Hurry up Mad Ogre – We want to see your results with this little pea shooter.

Go Swift Boat Vets!!!

Looks like the swift boat vets are winning, again. The Kerry campaign just keeps digging a deeper hole putting their collective foot deeper in Kerry’s mouth.

1. Sure there was fire… it was friendly suppression fire in case there had been enemy in the area. What happened here was that a boat hit a mine and was taking on water. The other boats went to rescue the folks in the sinking boat and laid down suppression fire just in case.
2. One of the vet also received the Bronze Star for this event. He says that he never asked for it. Never did any paperwork for it and did not even know he was getting it for three months after he was home. The story of the event in his record was verbatim what was written in Kerry’s record and was obviously written by the same person. This poor guy did not even know what the record said and had assumed he was awarded the medal pulling someone from the water.
3. All this being said… of course the way to solve the whole thing is to have the book publisher pull the book from the shelves and have President Bush say it isn’t true.
4. Kerry said that the doctor that treated him was not the doctor that treated him according to the records, but it was. he just keeps making things up.

Yeah right Kerry. You’re a lying POS and you know it and the swift boat vets know it. Ignoring the 1st amendment by censoring the book will not change that. Bashing Bush will not change that.

I’m guessing this situation will continue to get nastier and nastier. I’m not sure what Kerry expected. He did assist the enemy when he returned form Vietnam by making all sorts of claims of war crimes (that were later discredited) allegations against the USA. What a dumbass you are for even making your military service the corner stone of your campaign. If you had been smart, you would have never even brought it up. You have consistently lied, spoke out against the military, voted against funding for the military, been absent from intelligence briefing and committee meetings. What an idiot.

If you've not seen the Swift Boat Vets website, Click Here.

Iran is threatening us... oh my

Iranian Defense Minister Ali Shamkhani is threatening the US with a preemptive attack? The Iranians should look around a little bit and see who is at their borders. By the way, they are already making a preemptive strike against the US as far as I’m concerned. They are providing safe passage for terrorist (i.e. insurgents) to Iraq. They are supporting terrorist and even supplying arms and people to the insurgent movement in Iraq.

No respect intended Minister Ali Sham, but you’ve already instigated a preemptive attack on US soldiers and interest. You ought to be looking over your shoulder, not launching verbal attacks that you can’t back up. And by the way, yes, that looking should be from two directions.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Much to talk about

Been pretty busy lately and had to go out of town for a couple of days this week. I managed to stay the last hotel on earth that does not have an exercise room so I missed a workout. I think I gained about 5 pounds because of it (might have been the two beers and a hamburger too).

Tons of news over the last couple of days. When you spend several hours in a car driving, you get to listen to a lot of talk radio. Everyone is talking about how Kerry will not say that knowing what he knows now, he would have voted against going into Iraq. This is really pissing off the left wing faction that he has been catering to. Bush set him up on that one and now he is setting up Bush by condemning some left wing B.S. ads and challenging bush to condemn the Swift Boat Vets. Well a couple of comments… The swift boat vets have a freaking book out with tons of documentation and first hand accounts. I know there have been some comments about someone in Texas who donated 150K to the swift boat vets, but what about Sorres (sp?) who has donated millions to The two are not on the same level and Bush, while he can if he wants to, has no reason to condemn them.

What’s with the Germans? I always knew they were pussies. Now they are being forced to pee sitting down. Ha Ha…. Pussies. I can’t find the article, but I’ll edit this later today with a link. No wonder we are pulling American soldiers out of Germany.

Edit : Found the Article : Germans Must not Stand and Deliver

Gotta get some work done…

Monday, August 16, 2004

Some things you just can't make up.

115 Accused of gambling on insect fights

Don't tell the Cricket lovers' assoc. that i went fishing yesterday.

Friday, August 13, 2004


Thursday, August 12, 2004

Where does this "Gay" race come from?

Don’t you love the way everyone wants to give themselves minority group status. Gov. James E. McGreevey, Democrat, New Jersey announces that he is a “gay American” and is resigning. He’s a gay man, a homosexual. He happens to be American, but hey this is not like saying you’re an African American (Ms. Kerry), or Mexican American. A gay American? As an American, I am insulted by this. Since when is a “gay” a race and since when does is warrant “minority status”. You are Gay Mr. McGreevey, a liar, a cheat and Gay. I feel sorry for your family sir.

How about Ms. Kerry, the African American. If I were an African American I would be insulted by her calling herself African American. Technically she is from Africa and she is in America now, but come on… a rich white woman calling herself African American?

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Workin Out or John can't lose weight

Some of you have been following my work out page and I’m glad to say that my blood pressure is dropping as predicted after two weeks of pretty stout cardio work outs. For whatever reason my BP bottom number (diastolic?) is normally higher in the morning than in the evening. This morning I was at 113/73 and last night I was about 116/68. My goal was to consistently stay below 125/75 and I have been checking for about 4 days now and I’ve been consistently below or at 123/73. I had been getting concerned because for the last few months I was seeing numbers like 130/85, but I knew my body would respond well to exercise so I started hitting the gym 5 days a week.

Have you been to the grocery store these days? It is full of low carb stuff and my wife went and stocked up on dumb-ass things like low carb chips, cookies, and candies. I think I’ve gained four pounds so far this weekend eating this “healthy” junk food. I pointed out to the wife that low carb does not make it healthy, it is still junk food and when it is in the house you still eat it as between meal snacks and you still gain weight. It’s calories in vs. calories out. If you eat between meal snacks, low carb or not, you will gain weight.

But back to the grocery store, the local Kroger has 2 or 3 aisles of this stuff. Low carb junk food and snacks. We are going on Atkins overload. I was in a meeting the other day with a slightly irritated customer (irritated at my company over some “issues”) and I was offered a piece of cake. I respond with thank you, but I’m on a diet. To which she responded, “well you know the Atkins diet can cause fits of uncontrollable anger, but don’t worry, I’m not on the Atkins diet”. Jeeze!!! I’d never heard this about Atkins, but I tend not to have uncontrollable fits of anger on or off of diets.

Anyway, one of my work-out goals was to lower my blood pressure that is done. Here are items that I know will lower my blood pressure and Heart Rate.

1. Exercise
2. Elimination of Refined Sugars. (I’ve been off of these for a number of years).

Oh and i've also gotten reather large at 5'10" and 195lbs. Not obese, but overweight. So far i have gain a few pounds working out, grrrr.

Friday, August 06, 2004

Makes me want to vomit

Guitar Players who wear black cowboy hats for Kerry:

Damn those Swift Boat Veterans

Ok… take a look at this page:
Seems Kerry does not like the Swift Boat Veterans talking bad about his service in Vietnam. Kerry’s response to them… they are claiming to have served under him and none of them did. Well Kerry, not of them said they served under you. They were all swift boat commanders who served with you. Do you think the American public is stupid? Oh wait, you’re a democrat aren’t you.

For those of you who don’t know, the people doing the ads are the ones in the photograph that Kerry has been using in his campaign to show his Swift Boat Service in Vietnam. See the following website for more information:

So much to talk about and so little time.

There is so much news out there that I’m a little overwhelmed as to what to discuss in this forum. At last count 26 terrorist have been arrested over the last day or two, from the US to Saudi to England. The DNC Convention was a bust for Kerry. No real increase in the polls. It just amazes me how polarized the nation is. I mistakenly did not believe it during the last elections until the elections were over and the closeness of the results made public. I don’t know about you folks but I’m out there, donating money, putting a bumper sticker on my car, planning a yard sign when the election gets closer, talking to people and neighbors about issues. If you are a conservative, I encourage you to do the same, if you are a liberal, I encourage you to do nothing.

Here is an interesting article from Matt Drudge: California Lawyer sues Yahoo over Message Posts. This guy does not like what he is seeing posted about his client on a yahoo message board (I have no idea who his client is or was) so he logs on and bashes the posters. So the posters bash him and he goes off crying to the courts trying to sue them. Hey Stephen Galton! You’re a big baby. Can you imagine if everyone on the internet filed suit against forum posters who bash them or the owners of said forums. My god. One these freaking idiotic trial lawyers is trying to get himself elected as Vice President. Well I guess should not call them idiots, that would imply that they did not know better. These guys do and are just trying to line their pockets with your money and maybe limit the amount of free speech that us average folks can enjoy. If he wins, every online forum would have to shut down for fear of being sued.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Nancy Reagan Supports Bush

Former First Lady, Nancy Reagan is supporting George W. Bush for president. While she differs with him on the stem cell issue, she is supporting Bush for president. I suppose we will hear from Kerry something in the line of she’s just a hard core conservative who sacrifices her beliefs for the republicans. Or maybe, she stands for one thing but votes for another, just like a republican.

Folks you see what Kerry does not understand, what democrats do not understand is that Republicans and Conservatives are not one issue people. We see the whole picture. I’ve said this before, democrats cater to 100s or 1000s of little special interest groups that are self serving to themselves and could give a shit less about anything else going on around them. The Enviro-wakos, PETA, Gay, Pro-Abortion… the list goes on and on… just look here for more examples: you take all of these little 2% of the population special interest groups and add them up and you’ve got 50% of the voters out there.

People like Nancy Reagan are too smart to become some polarized over a single issue. Thank you Mrs. Reagan.

By the way, I heard Michael Reagan on a radio talk show recently and he was livid over his brother Ron talking at the DNC Convention. He said he told him that they were using him, but Ron has allways been a liberal. I did not know that. Must have made for some interesting discussion around the Reagan dinner table.

Football Season - Yea!

Football season is upon us. My son started practice last night and it was pretty amazing to see all these kids and how out of shape they are. Huffin and puffin while running. The coaches have them wearing helmets during practice to help condition them to having the things on again. It was 96 degrees at about 5:30pm yesterday and practice started at 6:00pm. He was all smiles after practice yesterday, soaking wet, but all smiles. The kid really loves football. Last year he played almost every play in every game. Offense and Defense. He’s a big kid so he is a lineman and he loves to hit.

So I stayed and watched the torture for the full 1 ½ hours. They will practice every day for the first two weeks and then drop down to 3 or 4 days a week once school starts. My goal now is to start dropping him off at 6:00 and then hitting the gym myself while he is at practice. I can make an hour workout and still get back in plenty of time to pick him up. I'm also hoping he'll drop about 5 pounds or so with all of the hard work. So him and i both are working on our weight.

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Hastert Calls for Flat Tax?

Any comments on this? Drudge Report on Tax law changes. I’ve argued for a VAT or a sales tax to replace income tax in the past. But it’s like getting rid something that has become habitual, like losing an old frien. What about all of the tax accountants out there? Can they be absorbed into other accounting areas? Income taxes have been around for so long, it is a little scary to think of them as maybe going away. Can you just reset the economy like that? Won’t there be some glitches in there somewhere? Will they keep the SSI tax? Medicare? Wow!!! Lots to consider here. A Flat Tax? No deductions?

You know what? Hell Yeah!! We’ve all been saying this is a good idea for years.
I say bring it on!!!