Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Hot Saucing?

I could talk about Kerry today, but the Swift Boat vets are doing a fine job of that already... Kerry just can't keep them down... I’ve said it over and over again. Now it is looking like some of it is sticking. (unless of course you write commentary for the Houston Chronicle (caution, if you read the linked article, it will cause increased blood pressure), then Bush is trying to usurp the freedom of speech by denouncing the 527 ads.

What I want to talk about is the practice of Hot Saucing. Would you believe there are people out there that put hot sauce on children’s' tongues as a form of discipline. I'm not making this up. Read the article here or click the link in the Title line.

Now, having been raised in south Louisiana, this would have been like feeding me candy as a form of discipline. I mean I put Tabasco on crackers, bypassing the cracker and just dabbing it on my tongue, would be like just licking the sugar off a cookie.

Now to the rest of the country, what are you people thinking? What's next, burning them with a cigarette?


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