Saturday, November 27, 2004


Click on the Defense Tech link to the left and read the story titled Inside Fallujah's Insurgency. The story has a link to a terrific power point presentation found on dealing with what has be found in Fallujah. I'll tease it at that and let you download the presentation.

Friday, November 26, 2004

I'm a Marauding Marsupial in the TTLB Ecosystem

How the heck did that happen (see bottem of right column). I've broke 1000 visits too. Thanks to those of you who come back to read more and to those click through from elsewhere.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Custom Grips

In trying to decide whether or not to keep my Beretta Mini Cougar 8045 (I have an 8000L that I shoot a lot), I’ve decided to dress it up a little. I’ve ordered some hex head grip screws and a ‘D’ spring for it. Wood grips are impossible to find for a Mini Cougar 8045, but Hogue’s auction site has cosmetic seconds pretty cheap for a full sized 8045. I picked up a pair for 14 bucks and will attempt to cut them down to fit the mini. So a couple cosmetic changes and a $5.00 trigger job with a D spring and we’ll see what happens. I hate to sell it, It’s my only .45. I'll post pics when i'm done.

Hogue Grips from Posted by Hello

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Dan Blather to Retire in March

So Dan Blather is retiring? What about federal election crime charges for collaborating with the democratic party? That whole national guard issue was coordinated between the democrats and CBS news. The democrats as much as admitted to it, as did Mary Mapes (sp?) at CBS. Isn’t this stuff against federal law?

Thursday, November 18, 2004

More PX4 Pics

Notice the rotating barrel. Looking more and more cougarish. But that's a good thing to me.

Locusts are freaky

Pink Locusts from North Africa Swarm Through Cairo

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Update on the new Beretta Pistol

Well they've posted it on their web site now. What a let down, it's for "Law Enforcement" only. Hopefully that'll change next year.

Beretta PX4 Storm

New From Beretta, The PX4STORM. Release Date is said to be January and the initial release will include a 9mm and .40. A .357 and .45ACP will come out later. Hopefully a compact version will be manufactured too. Please pipe in on the comments about this gun.

By the way, this picture of a flyer came from a PX4 thread over at

 Posted by Hello

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Democrats still don't get it.

The following article is a reminder that the democrats still don't get it.

'Fired Up' Kerry Returning to Senate

"Sometimes God tests you," Kerry told the crowd at H20, a restaurant on the Potomac waterfront, according to an aide. "I'm a fighter, and I've come back before."

Um... I think it was supposed to be "sometimes God detests you".

"Ronald Reagan twice sought the Republican nomination for president before winning it in 1980".

Well, I just don't think that you can compare Ronald Reagan with John Kerry. Ronnie is likely rolling in his grave over the comparison. Kerry is basically the Anti-Reagan.

Go read the article... Someone needs to tell these people they are not relevant.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

It was all about Moriality?

RightWing news has a good take on this. It was really all about the war on terror.
Election 2004 Was About The War On Terrorism, Not The Culture War, John Hawkins

Saturday, November 06, 2004

House Cleaning

Well the election is over and I’ve heard just about every excuse imaginable as to why Kerry lost. They just can't accept that he was rejected by the people. They can't accept that Bush got more votes than anyone in History; that the republicans gained seats in both the house and senate; that their socialist agenda was outright rejected.

Anyway, for a good laugh go over to and watch the video of Dan Rather on election night. I promise you will laugh, but you need high speed internet access to view the video.

I'm cleaning up the Bush links to the right, but I may go back and add Blogs for Bush. I got a lot of traffic from Blogs for Bush, but I need to see what they are going to do now that the election is over.

We're pushing 1000 hits and I find that incredible. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, November 04, 2004


If you only read one thing today, read this from Zell Miller.

Sometimes Irony can be pretty ironic.

Sometimes Irony can be pretty ironic.

Take a look at the following story: Mrs. Arafat keeps husband
on life support : Where’s his money?

Seems Arafat did not want give up the keys to the office before he died and now the PLO is in danger of dying with him because no one has access to the funds. This is truly a sad story for humanity and I’m laughing my ass off. It’s a shame really, but you can’t help but laugh at these selfish, self serving terroristic bastards.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Bush Wins!!! America Wins!!!

You think the DNC has realized that you can’t win by putting up a bozo and saying anybody but bush? You think the DNC has realized that you can’t win by campaigning on how terrible America has become and how poorly the incumbent handled everything he’s touch? Do you think the DNC will learn that total negativity is not the way to win? I doubt it.

Yeah Bush!!! 386 Electoral Points and a clear majority of the popular vote. It’s a Happy Day!

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Please Vote

Today is the day. Make darn sure you get out and make the polls today. Remind others to vote too. This election today could very well have the highest turnout that we've seen in a very long time. Get out there and let your voice be heard. America needs a landslide election this year. Everyone in the world is watching our election, so get out there and show the world what you think.

When you go to the polls, take someone with you. Talk to others during the day and remind them to vote. Saying "Don't forget to vote today" could be just the thing to make someone go to the polls.