Saturday, November 06, 2004

House Cleaning

Well the election is over and I’ve heard just about every excuse imaginable as to why Kerry lost. They just can't accept that he was rejected by the people. They can't accept that Bush got more votes than anyone in History; that the republicans gained seats in both the house and senate; that their socialist agenda was outright rejected.

Anyway, for a good laugh go over to and watch the video of Dan Rather on election night. I promise you will laugh, but you need high speed internet access to view the video.

I'm cleaning up the Bush links to the right, but I may go back and add Blogs for Bush. I got a lot of traffic from Blogs for Bush, but I need to see what they are going to do now that the election is over.

We're pushing 1000 hits and I find that incredible. Thanks for reading.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems like when I get home late at nite, kick the wife and yell at the dog, my house is finally in order.

Good info here. thanks.

healthy dog food recipes

11:51 PM  

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