Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Bush Wins!!! America Wins!!!

You think the DNC has realized that you can’t win by putting up a bozo and saying anybody but bush? You think the DNC has realized that you can’t win by campaigning on how terrible America has become and how poorly the incumbent handled everything he’s touch? Do you think the DNC will learn that total negativity is not the way to win? I doubt it.

Yeah Bush!!! 386 Electoral Points and a clear majority of the popular vote. It’s a Happy Day!


Blogger Jay.Mac said...

America- and the world- breathes a sigh of relief as George W. is elected to another four years in power. Thank goodness. I watched the election results coming in on the BBC and the coverage was biased enough that a Kerry victory seemed likely. Our other main terrestrial channel- ITV- was even worse. With the map covered in red states the presenter said, "But don't worry, Kerry's states have yet to report in." I flicked between channels a few times and each time I heard that comment on ITV. Thankfully the BBC at least had a few Republicans on the show to provide some balance.

It's such good news that President Bush is still in power!

1:02 PM  

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