Nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court
This one has me a little confused. Are we to just offer our blind trust to W? He says she’s a contrutionist, therefore she is? What about the fact that the democrats seem to like her and she used to be a democrat herself? Is this a deal cut between Harry Reid and W to allow the nomination of Roberts to push forward? The nominees go beyond the bush adminstration and beyond the next adminstration, and for now, I am disappointed in what I see.
So what are we left with? Unanswered questions and a feeling of underwhelmment. Well I am underwhelmend, anyway. More on this later as I gather my thoughts; however, I will say now that I am feeling a deep upset in the force. I feel myself separating from the republican party for the first time.
Don't you think the Conservative wing of R-Party is behaving's bad enough that Miers is getting trashed..but they're ragging on the President who has given them soooo much; i.e, tax cuts, an aggressive foreign policy..Chief Justice Roberts?
OH well, I'm not too thrilled with Miers or any woman for that matter, but it's the President's choice and we should show a little loyalty to a man underfire from just about everyone.
I am the only one on the Republican Forum on compuserve defending Harriet's lonely, but someone's gotta do it.:)
Nice blog..Kay
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