Tuesday, September 27, 2005

News Media or Propaganda Sensationalists

Is the media making up their own news? Click the link and read the story about misinformation and rumor reporting by the news media. I’m fed up with it. During the Rita evacuation from Houston there was so much misinformation being reported that the new media started sounding more like propaganda outlets instead of news reporters. Tanker trucks being dispatch to fill cars stalled along I-45… come on, are people that gullible? I even heard one Fox news bimbet reporting that she had head that ID’s would be checked upon re-entry to Houston to ensure that people were coming back on the proper day. How stupid do these people think we are? Turns out the reports about snipers in New Orleans were false along with reports of the rapes and murders in the Superdome.

I admit that I am a news junkie, but man… I was shocked at the sensationalizing and pure bull being spread by national news networks during Hurricane Rita. Did I mention that I primarily watch Fox News? Yes they were guilty as hell.


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