Thursday, September 23, 2004

I'm embarrassed by Kerry's comments

Kerry is starting to sound like he did thirty years ago. He knocks our troops then and is knocking them now. Today he is saying that we’re not getting the job done in Iraq. I guess next he’ll be calling our troops baby killers and meeting with terrorist to reassure them that he’ll give Iraq back.

Ayad Allawi spoke before congress today and thanked our country for ousting Saddam. He was very positive in his speech and sees good things for his country. What does Kerry do?, call a press conference and calls the guy a liar. What an asshole. This is a guest in our country who is speaking before congress. Not only does Kerry, a member of congress, not show up to listen, but he calls Allawi a liar. Kerry is an embarrassment to our country. I think Allawi knows more about what is going on in his own country than Kerry. One thing that Allawi pointed out is that our media is focusing on just the negative happenings in Iraq. He is there and he is excited about the direction his country is taking. He is thanking us. Most of congress applauded this man and Kerry calls a press conference and calls him a liar. You embarrass me Mr. Kerry.


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