Thursday, September 09, 2004

Automatic Revolvers and grenade launchers

September 9…. Only three more days and the AWB expires. First thing I’m a gonna do is go out to a gun show and pick up one of them automatic revolvers with a grenade launcher and a bayonet lug on it. I can’t believe the stuff I’m reading about and seeing on television. Just a bunch outright lies and misleading mistruths. And a world poll saying to oust GWB? This is news? When commies in France say they would vote for Kerry, it's time for a 10 point jump in the polls for Bush. I cannot ever recall such a concentrated media effort to mislead the public as the two going on right now. The expiration of the Clinton Gun Ban and the re-election of W. You’d think the world was coming to an end.

For the last month we’ve been hearing accusations about the Bush Camp coordinating with the Swift Boat Vets in violation of the law. Nothing was proven is it was of course not true.

Why is no one looking into this weeks obvious coordination between the Kerry Camp, ABC, NBC, CBS, every 527 against Bush in existence, every major news paper, France…. On the subject of Bush’s National Guard records. Do they realize how obvious it all is? Do they realize how petty they sound? What dumbasses.… and they have the gall to talk about the vast right wing conspiracy.


Blogger The Rottman said...

You are right on all counts. Kerry is really an anti gunner, and I call him the U.N.'s candidate for the White house.(13 democrats asked for UN monitors at the Nov. elections)
The media is telling flat out lies on the so called "assault weapons" which are only semi autos with 2 or more cosmetic features.
keep up the good work on your web sight. Conservative is not a dirty word in my book.

3:39 PM  

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