I give up on Verizon Wireless and will just pay the damn $175.00 bucks to get out of their contract. I hereby warn all in the blog world, stay away from Verizon Wireless. They’ll rip you off.
Let go back a few years…. I have been with the same cell company for, well technically since 1991. At some point GTE Mobile net was bought out be Verizon. Anyway, back in October of 2002, I purchased a palm pilot type cell phone from Verizon and signed a new contract. Move along to March of 2003 and I called them to change from a nationwide service to a Texas only service because I was changing jobs and no longer would be traveling nationwide. What I did not know was that at that point, they reset my contract start date March of 2003.
In July of 2003, my phone breaks. I bring the phone in and they clean some contacts on the door and call it good. A couple of weeks later, my phone stops working all together so I bring it in again. This time they call it water damage and say it is not fixable.
It is less than a year old, but is not fixable and my contract is not up (remember they reset the start date to march 2003 with out telling me). But they’ll give me a lesser phone for 100 bucks. So I pick up the lesser phone for 100 bucks and go on my way.
So now, one year and four months later, and my phone is on the fritz. So I call verizon and learn that I’m on a two year contract and can’t get out of my contract. They'll upgrade my phone if I pay 100 buck and sign a new 2 year contract. Or it’ll cost me $175.00 to get out of my contract.
Screw you verizon, I’m getting out and taking my $130.00 / month phone bill elsewhere. Hello Cingular!!!