Rovatec Bullite
Rovatec Bullite
While at the NRA Annual Meeting Exhibits, I tried to stop at as many booths as humanly possible in one day. I really enjoyed the Exhibits and met a lot of nice vendors for various products. One product that I really enjoyed trying out was the Bullite from Rovatec. Rovatec makes a caliber specific laser bullet that goes in “your” gun. If you have a 9mm, you buy a 9mm Bullite and insert it right in the chamber like a regular bullet or more like a snap cap. When the firing pin strikes the Bullite, it generates ½ second or so laser beam. This allows you to practice dry firing and helps you develop your point shooting. You can see exactly what you are aiming at when you pull the trigger because the result of a trigger pull is a red dot being painted on your target.
The dot just stays for a fraction of a second, but is plenty long enough for the brain to register its presence. If you slap the trigger or jerk the gun, the dot becomes a line. This is pretty cool to see.
They also supply little reflective targets with a “Q” in the center. The idea is to aim for the Q. You can see exactly where your shot hit when after pulling the trigger.
The Bullite sells for $180.00 and may I think I might be buying one in the near future.
Other highlights of the show were watching Todd Jarrett and Rob Leatham. They both put on a good show in the mini seminars and floor demonstrations.