Monday, June 28, 2004

Let Freedom Reign

 Posted by Hello

Let Freedom Reign

Customer Service 101

In my first blog below, I mentioned that I may be on the look out for an ozonator. Well I failed to mention that when my current unit broke, I emailed the nice folks who supplied my pool, Platinum Pools in Houston, and stated that I was looking for parts for the Prozone Ozonator or maybe even to replace it.

So I get a phone call from some one at Platinum who states that they no longer supply or support the Prozone unit, but they’ll be happy to supply a replacement brand X unit and that unit is much better. So I asked for a discount from the replacement price of something like 600 bucks. Guy says he’ll check with the owner and call me back. He never calls back. That was over a month ago. So I started to research other brands and types on the net. I actually find a decent CD type unit (my old one is UV) for around 300 bucks, but wait… why not just purchase a new lamp for the prozone.

So I locate Prozone’s website and send them an email stating exactly what I am looking for, Part 8, the lamp, for a PZVII-1. I get an emailed response staying that I had to purchase from a distributor and to call Amerimerc ( So I call these people and they say that I can only get parts from Prozone, they do not supply parts. I read Prozone’s email to the nice person on the telephone and so she called Prozone while I held. She comes back on the line to tell me that Prozone says to call them directly.

So I call Prozone directly. Prozone says they cannot sell to me and that I must go through a distributor. So I tell the about the email and the conversation with Amerimerc. She says yes, that she told Amerimerc to tell me to call, but she thought I was a distributor. Why she thought one distributor would be calling another, I just don’t know.

So now Prozone says again, we cannot sell you the part, you must go thorough a distributor. So the next part is mind boggling.

Me: So who do I go to?
Prozone: Where do you live?
Me: Houston…
Prozone: hmmm…..well I have a name, but no number you’ll have to look them up yourself.
Me: what is the name?
Prozone: Platinum Pools.

HELP, I’m stuck in a real life endless loop!!! These people really need some help in marketing and managing a distributor network.

Someone must be reading my blog.

Someone must be reading my BLOG. I received an email today from another blogger wanting to know how I added the Bush News Feed to the side bar. Cool!!! For anyone else interested, -- in the settings area:

1. Select the Template tab.
2. Scan through the Template HTML and near the bottom you should find !-- < Begin #Sidebar >
3. Below this point, add the one line of script from this page (GWB's website):

Hope this is helpful to someone.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

And now a Pakistani

Now they've taken a Pakistani and are threatening beheading unless we release some prisoners being held at Abu Ghraib. I say turn the prisoners they want released over to the Turks. How many think that if these TERRORIST were not getting so much press here in the USA, there might not be as many (if any) of these incidents?

In other news, Saudi Arabia has stated that Americans or other foreigners who feel threatened my now carry personal fire arms for self defense. If I had to go to Saudi, I would definitely want to be armed. Kudos to the Saudi’s.

Picture of the Day: Cheney at F U

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Another Kidnapping

This time al-Zarqawi's group of sub-human pond scum have kidnapped three Turks. This time, well I’ll just quote the article:

"The kidnappers demanded the Turks hold demonstrations protesting the visit by the "criminal" Bush and that Turkish companies stop working in Iraq, or else the hostages would be killed."

I'm thinking that killing the Turks will cause some problems for al-Zarqawi's band of little frightened masked men. Wasn't it the Turks who in Vietnam did not need fences around their prisons? I'm betting the Turks get let go without being damaged.

I pray for them and I hope they are ok.

Here is the article.

Can you get a car in your garage?

I will get mine to that that point today. I think the longest I've ever been able to park in the garage was 4 months. Then stuff, junk, starts to pile up. I mostly blame it on my wife. :)

I should be more like my Russian neighbors. Empty garage (room for two cars) and only one tiny garbage bag, like the one your groceries are in, on garbage day.

Friday, June 25, 2004

A new high for Political Correctness?

So the US military has purchased some ammo from Israel because we could not produce enough and they could produce it to our specifications. According to this article, the generals in Iraq have been instructed to use it for practice only and not to shoot any Muslims with it as they may find it offensive. Help!!!

This is just stupid. I say dip the bullets in port fat and then shoot them at the insurgents and let everyone know you are doing it.

Here is the article:|top|06-24-2004::18:06|reuters.html

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Rather Biased?

Found a great web site.
This site shows the biases of Dan Rather. I've been completely off of CBS since the last election because of Rather. I'll watch CSI sometimes but that is it. Rather is simply the most liberally biased news anchor on television today.

From Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

St. Francis of Assisi

The Prayer of Saint Francis

"O Lord, make me an instrument of Thy Peace!
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is discord, harmony;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light, and
Where there is sorrow, joy.
Oh Divine Master, grant that I may not
so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand; to be loved
as to love; for it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life."

Gun Control

So what do people think about the Assault Weapons Ban? I am totally against it. It seems like people think it bans machine guns, but those were banned many many years ago. The current AWB only bans certain guns based on cosmetic issues. It also bans high cap magazines. So I can only use a 10 round mag in my handgun, not a 13 round or a 15 round mag. I can still have as many 10 round mags as i want and I can purchase and use 15 round mags that were made before the ban. It is bad law and does nothing to deter crime.

Below are the sponsors of the Senate bill 2498 (S. 2498) to extend the AWB for another 10 years. Read all about it at

Sen Feinstein, Dianne [CA]
Sen Boxer, Barbara [CA]
Sen Chafee, Lincoln D. [RI]
Sen Clinton, Hillary Rodham [NY]
Sen DeWine, Michael [OH]
Sen Dodd, Christopher J. [CT]
Sen Jeffords, James M. [VT]
Sen Lautenberg, Frank R. [NJ]
Sen Levin, Carl [MI]
Sen Reed, John F. [RI]
Sen Schumer, Charles E. [NY]
Sen Warner, John W. [VA]

If these are in your state then you can email and express your support or displeasure by going to

This site allows you print out a letter or send an email to you senator or congressman.

My first Blog

Not really sure what will end up here. This is my first Blog post. For the most part this blog will be for notes on items that I find on the internet with a conservative overtone. I’m always finding sites that are interesting and when I am looking for something that might be of interest to others, I’ll post my finding.

For now, how about swimming pool ozonators. I had one on my pool and it broke so I am looking for a new one. Del-zone has one that is about 700 bucks and I found one from a company called clear pool that has one for around $300.00. The clear pool unit is 100% a garage outfit.